Media kit

Advertising is a strategic opportunity to be the main players in the market.

Pneurama is an important means of communication for all market operators in Italy and abroad.
With 50 years of experience, a circulation of 15,000 copies in Italy and worldwide, Pneurama covers the entire chain of new tyres and retreads, maintenance, transport and related sectors, institutions and entities. It is an effective and authoritative tool for all operators.


Distribution and advertisement deadlines

Magazine number

Pneurama distribution

Booking one-page advertisements*

Deadlines for receipt of advertisement mechanicals by the Publisher


(January-February) – end February 10 January  15 January
2 (March-April) – end April 10 March   15 March
3 (May-June)- end June 10 May 15 May
4 (July-August) – end August 01 July 05 July
5 (September-October) – end October 10 September 15 September
6 (November-December) – end December 01 November 05 November

* In addition to yearly planning, one-page advertisements can also be booked


Advertisement inserts can be included with the magazine

